In English

Silvberg Environmental Technology ltd. (Silvbergs Miljöteknik)  works with environmental and sustainability issues related to food production and consumption.

We perform investigations, projects and audits on environmental and climate impact associated with food production and cultivation of the soil. We also carry out consultancy in the concept of "Focus on Nutrients".

Completed projects and assignments

Article in Springer Nature Applied Sciences, published 16 June 2020, Valuing carbon capture in agricultural production: examples from Sweden. A corrected table 5 can be found here.

We participated in Second European Sustainable Phosphorus Conference, Berlin 5-6 March 2015 with2

"The Swedish way to a cleaner sludge and environment"

Field and pot experiments on sludge and mycorrhiza. Posted in Linderholm´s Doctoral Thesis “Phosphorus - Flows to Swedish food chain, fertilizer value, effect on mycorrhiza and environmental impact of reuse”, Doctoral Thesis n° 2012:84, Faculty of Landscape Planning, Horticulture and Agricultural Science, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Phosphorus Flows to and from Swedish Agriculture and Food Chain.

Published in AMBIO 2012 (Linderholm, Mattsson & Tillman).

On behalf of the Environmental Protection Agency an updated Phosphorus flow analysis was made and published in Swedish by  Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences report 2013:5

Uppdated P-flows 2013

Life cycle analysis of phosphorus alternatives for Swedish agriculture (Linderholm, Tillman & Mattsson). Funded by the Foundation Nutrient Research and published in Resources, Conservation and Recycling 66 (2012).

Phosphorus and its plant availability in sludge-a literature review. Funded by the Swedish Water Development and published in Swedish as report 2011-16

Audit manager for Swedish Seal on behalf of a certification body.